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英国《欧洲货币》:China Construction Bank: Pioneer in the Chinese Banking Reform and Deve




Zhang Jianguo, president of China Construction Bank, one of China’s big four commercial banks, talks to Euromoney about his company’s development and unique characteristics.

How did China Construction Bank grow from being the vehicle funding Chinas construction projects in the 1950s and 1960s to the second largest bank in mainland China, as well as the second largest in the world by market capitalization?

China Construction Bank was established in 1954. At the very beginning it was a department of the Ministry of Finance. During that time the bank was responsible for the supervision of funding construction investment of the nation. Then the central government decided to reform the banking sector and in the 1990s all specialized banks developed into commercial banks.

In 2004 we started the restructuring reform and attracted foreign investment, and now China Construction Bank has become the second largest commercial bank in China with Bank of America as our second largest shareholder and Singapore’s Temasek Holdings the third. In 2005 we went public in Hong Kong, which means we were the first bank to go public among the ‘big four’ in China, and we landed in Shanghai’s A share market in 2007.

The past few years we have maintained very good results from our operations and this spring the total assets of the bank exceeded RMB10 trillion. We have made great progress in our service to customers, risk management capability and overall competitiveness. The quality of our assets is also good, and at the end of this June the non-performing loan ratio was just 1.22%.

In the past, the several big banks in China focused on different business areas. China Construction Bank mainly operated in the domestic market with overseas business accounting for a small proportion of our overall business. At that time Bank of China played the role of the bank that served foreign trade and the international market. But in 1990s the five big banks namely Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communications, were allowed to go abroad when the overseas business of our bank began to develop rapidly. Now we have branches in Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Ho Chi Minh City, New York, Johannesburg and Singapore. We have a subsidiary in London, and an investment arm and a retail arm in Hong Kong. We have also obtained approval to upgrade our Sydney rep office to a branch from the Australian banking regulators. We are also planning to set up a rep office in Moscow by the end of this year.

Why was the decision made to expand abroad, and how have you approached your expansion efforts?

Four years ago the senior management decided our overseas development strategy. The reason is simple: China’s economy is highly related to the world and many of our clients, both individual clients and corporate clients, are going abroad so we needed to expand our global presence and enlarge our network overseas to provide better service to our customers. Meanwhile, our overseas development enables us to learn advanced management concepts and experience from foreign banks

We are more of a domestic bank with overseas business accounting for less than 3% of the overall business. Therefore, we intend to grow organically in the global market while also welcoming acquisitions if appropriate.

As one of the big four in China, what are the unique competitive strengths of China Construction Bank?

China Construction Bank was once in charge of the appropriation for treasury investment and served as a specialized bank responsible for infrastructure construction credit. Therefore, we have strong experience and overall ability to serve big customers and projects. For example, I was told that we can have three or four task forces serving nuclear power plant projects independently. None of the other big banks can accomplish this task.

Also, China Construction Bank offers special project pricing consultancy; we are the only bank among Chinese commercial banks to offer this service. We were the pioneer in the reform of the Chinese banking system. In the 1990s, when the central government decided that the specialized banks needed to be converted to commercial banks, we were among the first. And in 2003, when the central government decided to reform the big four banks, China Construction Bank got the first opportunity. Up until now China Construction Bank is taking a leading role in all banking changes in China.

At the same time we cannot only serve the big customers or projects. Years ago, we focused on enlarging the number of customers by expanding our retail banking business and SME financial service, and improving services to the ‘three rurals’ - namely agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and institutions such as hospitals and schools. We now have more than 260 million personal accounts.

Chinese banks were less hard-hit by the recent financial crisis than their Western counterparts, and seem to have recovered quicker. Why do you think this was?

There are a lot of reasons. First, the demand from China’s domestic market is huge. Chinese banks mainly serve domestic economy which recovers very quickly. Second, Chinese banks are little involved in financial derivative products. Third, great achievements have been made in the financial reform, which has laid a solid foundation for recovery. Fourth, the Chinese banking industry has not been completely opened up to the outside world. For example, the capital account is not fully opened yet.

Western banks were over-innovated, especially regarding derivatives products, which is why they were so badly impacted by the crisis. The crisis gives us a good opportunity to learn how to balance financial innovation and risk management.

China Construction Bank was not as hard-hit as other financial institutions, like the big European banks, but we were affected, especially some of our clients that deal with import and export, predominantly SMEs in southern China they got a lot of negative impact which led to certain amount of non-performing loans.

But overall we are in a good position among our peers. We realized the importance of early warning, especially when it comes to dealing with clients in import/export and those just relying on their low-price advantage.

We have to admit that though the impact of the crisis was minor it made it clear to us that our overseas assets were very limited and that we didnt have a very adequate level of innovation. In China, most of the financial market products introduced over the years came from Western banks. I have worked in the industry for 28 years, at different banks in China, and although I say this in connection to China Construction BankI think that all of the Chinese commercial banks have the same problem with innovation. China is becoming more interdependent with other countries. Our clients are interacting more and more overseas so if China Construction Bank didnt have a presence in these foreign countries we would run the risk of losing a lot of opportunities and clients. Our clients also have more and more sophisticated financial service needs; not just limited to loans and deposits. So we have worked out a comprehensive overseas development plan.

How did the financial crisis alter your procedures and approaches to risk management and future development?

We have implemented risk management procedures. After we went through the internal risk procedure we have continued to offer support to our clients that were negatively impacted by the crisis and have some temporary issues.

Another impact was reflected in our internal operations, especially regarding our overseas business. Some foreign securities we have bought were downgraded and our loans granted to overseas clients were too concentrated in a few sectors. After the crisis we strengthened our management for those financial market businesses and overseas institutions and we improved our management in regard to national evaluation and also the issuer credit analysis and internal operational authorities.

In terms of IT development we have learnt good lessons and best practices from global advanced banks, like which kind of products should be sent to head office for approval, and we have further developed these kinds of policies.

We have built a very good risk management IT system by adopting many tools and products from the international market, other companies and our strategic partners and in-house development of tools and products. We are also trying to improve the managements systems, not just the IT systems. We have named 38 risk officers in every tier-1 branch and established a sound risk management system.

Where do you see the biggest opportunities and concerns for the Chinese banking sector in the near future?

To cope with the changing market and environment, the central government and regulators change the policy from time to time. Therefore it is very important for the senior management in commercial banks to be able to predict and judge the environment and take advantage of opportunities. We think there will be a lot of good opportunities with infrastructure in the north-eastern and western provinces of China and the structural adjustment and industrial upgrading in east coastal region.

We have taken a lot of efforts to foresee changes in the system, analyze the market and analyze the impact of the policies set out by the central government and regulators. Our efforts over the past few years have been very successful.

The Chinese government implemented a stimulus plan in November 2008. According to our own situation, we followed the plan and extended loans to target customers but, starting from March last year, while other banks were going through the stimulus-led lending spree we had already realized the risks and issued guidelines to restrict new loans to certain industries. For instance, loan growth in property development sector each year is restricted to RMB30 billion.

Last year the whole banking industry in China experienced a large growth in loans and that has raised a lot of concern and worries. In January this year we launched a number of risk management measures that can properly examine the loans extended last year and the year before last. We are paying great attention to loans with collaterals or guarantees. What we are trying to do is to evaluate the quality of those collateral guarantees.

Our ratio of non-performing loans is going down. By the end of June the ratio was 1.22%. It is not only the ratio, but also the amount, which has been reduced by RMB7 billion compared with the beginning of this year. So we are confident that we can maintain very good asset quality.















当然,我们不仅为大客户或大项目继续提供优质服务。几年前,我们开始拓展零售银行业务及中小企业金融服务,以扩大客户数目,我们现在有超过2.6亿个人账户。我们也在不断改善对“三农”( 即农业,农村和农民)的服务,同时也支持医院和学校等机构的发展。
















