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附:原文:CCB chairman calls for more China clout

BEIJING—Calls from the international community for China to play a more active role in reforming the global financial system need to be matched by a willingness to change the system to better accommodate China, said Guo Shuqing, chairman of China Construction Bank Corp.

Speaking at The Wall Street Journal's China Financial Markets forum in Beijing, Mr. Guo argued for a larger role for China in multilateral institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. And the former Chinese central banker said the IMF and big economies should give China's currency a greater role, championing an effort to internationalize the yuan that has quickly gained momentum in recent months.

"Big countries ask China to play a more active role and be more responsible," said Mr. Guo, whose bank is China's second biggest by assets. "But if you ask China to do more, you have to give China more recognition."

China is a relative newcomer to global financial regulation. But in the wake of the financial crisis, which crippled lenders in developed economies but left China's banks relatively unharmed, it joined the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which are international forums for setting rules on financial regulation. And China has become a key player at the Group of 20 meetings, taking a major role in discussions about currency and trade.

It is also active in multinational economic institutions, gaining a greater say in the IMF and the World Bank. But despite a recent increase in its voting rights in both organizations, Mr. Guo said China's clout should be further expanded to better reflect its role in the global economy.

Mr. Guo isn't a formal member of the government, and his comments don't necessarily reflect the thinking of China's leadership. However, the heads of China Construction Bank and the three other big state-owned banks wield great influence and hold a political rank equivalent to a vice minister.

Echoing China's regulators, Mr. Guo said trade imbalances aren't the key threat to global economy, but rather excessive consumption in the U.S. and other Western economies is. He said the financial reform should involve getting back to basics.

"The basic target is to provide more financial services to the real economy…not fictitious financial transactions…so-called structured financial products," he said in his speech to the conference Tuesday.

He also said the global economic community should take steps to make the yuan a reserve currency, suggesting the U.S., the U.K. and Japan should hold a portion of their foreign-exchange reserves in yuan in a gesture of reciprocity, since China already holds their debt.

Mr. Guo said the IMF should "immediately" include the yuan as a component of its Special Drawing Rights basket of currencies. SDRs are a kind of synthetic currency created by the IMF in the 1960s. Last year, People's Bank of China Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan suggested SDRs should be promoted as an alternative reserve currency.

Before becoming chairman of China Construction Bank, Mr. Guo was a vice governor of the People's Bank of China and the director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which administers China's exchange-rate system and manages the country's huge pile of currency reserves.

In his remarks Tuesday, Mr. Guo bemoaned the problems China has finding an outlet for those reserves, which total some $2.6 trillion. Mr. Guo said China's reserves will continue to grow in coming years, albeit at a slower pace.

"That's a big challenge to China because we don't know how to invest so much money," Mr. Guo said.

He also said that making direct investments overseas for Chinese firms is problematic, not only in the U.S. and the European Union, but "even when we're investing in developing countries we're criticized as new colonialists."

Mr. Guo's comments reflect growing assertiveness among many leaders in China's financial system, who feel the global financial crisis proved the country's policies are more effective than those of the West.

Still, some at Tuesday's conference cautioned against over-emphasizing the strength of China's system.

Fang Xinghai, director-general of the Office of Financial Services in the Shanghai city government, said China's banks have mainly thrived because of the nation's rapid economic growth, instead of strong management. He questioned the role China is capable of playing in helping rebuild the global financial infrastructure following the crisis.

"For a long time to come, China will not have a lot to contribute to international financial reform," Mr. Fang said. "China is still at a fairly low state of development. What happens here might not be applicable to other countries."

The world "shouldn't expect a lot from China's intellectual contribution," he said.


